Bad boy

By PicklesMcRaptor - 25/03/2012 11:59 - United States - Miami

Today, as I was walking my dog, two cute girls from my school were walking towards me on the sidewalk. I thought it would be appropriate to wave and give a smile. My dog thought it would be appropriate to viciously bark at and mount one of the girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 703
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste


Girl: Ow! Get this dog off me! OP: Down girl! Get off her, you bitch! Girl: Thanks a lot! OP: I was talking to you.

Good way to break the ice? .. No?.. Okay O.o

Furytalon 14

This doesn't apply but in watching somone read this at the movies

You mean I'm*? And if so I gotta say, you're sitting pretty damn close if you're able to tell what they're reading.

Birdie_Sage 0

Why do you care? Mind your own business!

29, two of your other comments in this FML (25 and 26) are "replies" to two other comments and they aren't even real responses, so how about you mind your own business, stop thread jacking, and trying to increasing your comment count with half assed comments?

GovernorGeneral 8

Lol krinin. Thinking of usernames takes a while xD It took me a couple weeks to think of mine before making an account xD I always wanna have the best one.

Funny that you mentioned that, cause I just edited my profile information, but yea, somebody had the name I wanted so mine is actually a play with letters. By the way, you spelled my username wrong :)

TheFamilyElf 17

Imagine what they're thinking when they see your comment... Creeping hard my friend.

Well there is the other one... Make your move before the dog does... Again!

I would film this and put it on youtube.

ddeathbombb 5

Awh doggy thought the girls where pretty too :).