My eyes!

By Anonymous - 25/05/2021 18:01 - Canada

Today, I was on the phone with an Apple advisor, who helped me back up data to my computer using remote assistance. As we did, every file transferred showed up with a real-time preview. All of a sudden, the nude selfies I forgot about rolled in. He immediately shouted, “OH WOW.” It wasn’t a good “wow” either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 459
You deserved it 1 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yair Peke 4

am tech service, people often forget whatever they are running on the background so more than once I was welcomed to a computer with ****, nudes or just weird shit. we are not here to judge you, just to help. as long as it's not illegal like cp or anything of that sort

bleachedraven 14

😱 lmao, that would be embarrassing, but being that it's a customer service rep, I wouldn't dwell on the awkwardness too long.


That is super awkward for him I imagine. At least it wasn’t anything illegal, but let’s be honest there are situations where it’s just awkward more than titillating to get a bunch of nudes thrown in your face. For him it’s likely the equivalent of getting an unsolicited dick pick. Definitely not appealing.

bleachedraven 14

😱 lmao, that would be embarrassing, but being that it's a customer service rep, I wouldn't dwell on the awkwardness too long.

Well being a professional it would be even more inappropriate for him to impressed and this pic is amazing.

Yair Peke 4

am tech service, people often forget whatever they are running on the background so more than once I was welcomed to a computer with ****, nudes or just weird shit. we are not here to judge you, just to help. as long as it's not illegal like cp or anything of that sort