Awww Sweaty, don't worry

By sopheeah - 29/05/2012 07:54 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my boyfriend called me, panicking. Apparently he had a headache, but wasn't concentrating on what tablets he grabbed, and accidentally took tablets for "relief of period pain". He was convinced he was going to grow ovaries overnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 530
You deserved it 2 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What idiot doesn't look at what he takes?

YOU DON'T KNOW ME! *runs away sobbing*


But if he was able to impregnate himself, having both ovaries and sperm, how would he get them to each other?

SkoomaKi we still need women for their boobs.

ant1ion 12

76 No he'll be back he just went to change is pic and have the baby before he can talk to you again

Pain medicine definitely makes you grow ovaries if you don't already have them, to counteract the ovary-growing qualities. It's a widely known fact.

Actually midol DOES help with migraines. A lot of people take midol just for that purpose.

I'm, sorry, but your boyfriend is a doof.

toothfairy9603 1

And you seriously call this "guy" your boyfriend?


What idiot doesn't look at the pill bottle their taking????

Sounds like he's a stupid See You Next Tuesday.