By Twysted91 - 28/12/2014 03:50 - United States - Milford

Today, I was rushed to the emergency room in crippling pain, thanks to a very dangerous cluster of cysts on my ovaries that could rupture at any time. My boyfriend took this news as my way of denying him sex and broke up with me for "going to obscene lengths" to emasculate him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 962
You deserved it 3 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Teddzz 19

You shouldn't even be talking to an extremely ignorant jerk like that who apparently only cares about sex.

He seems to be a ******* idiot. Try not to feel too sad over someone that's so self centered and only thinks about sex. I really hope you're okay xoxo


Teddzz 19

You shouldn't even be talking to an extremely ignorant jerk like that who apparently only cares about sex.

TanzWolf 26

Yeah.. If that's all he cares about, it's for the best he broke up with you. You deserve better.

He could've been using it as an excuse to dump op?

Looks like someone didn't really read the fml

No, she's saying he doesn't really care about the sex he just wanted a reason because of something else.

Better of without that idiot :/ what happened to empathy?

littleteapot 21

I think you mean sympathy. Empathy is understanding what someone is going through because you've gone through it yourself. He doesn't have ovaries, so he can't have empathy for her situation.

i disagree, 80. just because he dont have the same parts dont mean you cant imagine your own guy parts hurting and feel bad for someone else... you can definatly try to put youself in someone elses shoes without having been there.

Like most "Romance FMLs" the event had nothing to do with it. He wanted to break up with you; this was an excuse.

Allornone 35

while you are probably right, one has to wonder what the real reason was. I mean, could it really have been worse than this? Even another woman might have been more understandable (you can't always help how you feel). But this excuse there's no sugar coating. He just looks like a dick

Sounds like you're better off without that idiot. You don't deserve to be treated like that when something scary happens. I know how bad cysts are. :|

jthmtwin 16

My mom had one so bad when it ruptured it caused appendicitis and had to have both the ovary and appendix removed.

countryb_cth 38

@64 I have only had small ovarian cysts rupture and those hurt so bad, I could not imagine the pain your mom went through with that amount of force from that ruptured cyst. I hope she is ok and better now.

He seems to be a ******* idiot. Try not to feel too sad over someone that's so self centered and only thinks about sex. I really hope you're okay xoxo

Steve97 32

Guys like him just piss me off, seriously a relationship isn't all about sex -.-

jthmtwin 16

If relationships were only about that any couple with kids/pregnant would break up since children put a crimp in 'adult fun'

Heartless prick. Good riddance. Get well soon OP.

kirbs19 37

Hope your okay OP! What an ass be glad he's gone!

I feel like your boyfriend is an idiot.... I think you could benefit from not having such stupidity in your life. please feel better!