All out in the open

By Anonymous - 03/06/2020 08:00

Today, my 18-year-old boyfriend took some extremely strong painkillers that unfortunately gave him a giddy sense of euphoria. He then stripped naked in his parents' lounge room and yelled, "You've all seen it before!" His really religious parents didn't know this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 599
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

There are any number of reasons he could have needed the painkillers, such as just having surgery, and many conditions that could require it. That being said, he's 18, an adult, so it's about time his parents got a damn wake-up call that their little boy isn't so little anymore.

Mathalamus 24

Why was he taking painkillers?


Mathalamus 24

Why was he taking painkillers?

to kill some pain he was going through cause by non of your business

Which pain killers did you give ? Seems strong !

BigSissy 14

OP Never said they gave him the painkillers, only that he took them.

J15237 25

what did he need them for in the first place? seems a bit odd.

tounces7 27

There are any number of reasons he could have needed the painkillers, such as just having surgery, and many conditions that could require it. That being said, he's 18, an adult, so it's about time his parents got a damn wake-up call that their little boy isn't so little anymore.

just because someone is 18 doesn't mean they are mature

tounces7 27

It doesn't matter, mature or not, he is legally recognized as an adult, and has the right to do what he wants in that regard.

At least he didn't try to have sex with you in front of them.