ARE YOU ******* SORRY?

By hyper12332 - 29/04/2009 14:35 - Australia

Today, I was playing one on one soccer with a girl like. I accidentally kicked the ball right into her face. The ball rolled back towards me and as I was running to see if she was ok, I kicked the ball… right into her face again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 094
You deserved it 31 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man, that sucks...for both of you, but for her, mostly. Damn!

did you pull your shirt over your head and run around doing the classic soccer airplane celebration?


Jertastic 0

Was her face ugly because maybe you fixed it.

your_mother 0


Beven 0

Rooofl that's great, I wish i coulda seen it

australiaaaa 0

#17, you made my day :D and for anyone who doesnt know what 17 meant, a hat trick (in soccer) is when you score 3 goals in a game

member0987654321 0

HAHAHAA! lmao! sorry lol that's not the worse thing that could happen, i'm sure she'd understand, i hope her nose isn't broken ouch :o yeah & listen to #16

hahahahaha ooo that rly sux i feel bad 4 u

idk09 0

hahahah i laughed out loud when i read this

Yoyoma31314 0

Haha that sucks pretty bad. I would love to hear what happened next.