ARE YOU ******* SORRY?

By hyper12332 - 29/04/2009 14:35 - Australia

Today, I was playing one on one soccer with a girl like. I accidentally kicked the ball right into her face. The ball rolled back towards me and as I was running to see if she was ok, I kicked the ball… right into her face again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 094
You deserved it 31 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man, that sucks...for both of you, but for her, mostly. Damn!

did you pull your shirt over your head and run around doing the classic soccer airplane celebration?


"Today, I was playing soccer with a guy. He kicked the ball into my face... twice! FML."

keyairia 0

ah. that's not that bad. you have nothing to worry about. a girl shouldn't get pissed at you for accidently hitting her in the face with a soccer ball.... xD though that is really funny. lmao. sorry about that.

angelann313 0
derailed 1

Forget about ever teabaggin' her, she is scarred for life : o

EffinWhosLife 0

Today, I was playing one on one soccer with this boy. During the game he kicked the ball into my face, he then ran over to see if I was ok, as he kicked the ball into my face again. FML

did you kiss her to make her feel better?

DangIt94 0

OH DANG!!! thats prolly sucked soooooo bad