ARE YOU ******* SORRY?

By hyper12332 - 29/04/2009 14:35 - Australia

Today, I was playing one on one soccer with a girl like. I accidentally kicked the ball right into her face. The ball rolled back towards me and as I was running to see if she was ok, I kicked the ball… right into her face again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 094
You deserved it 31 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man, that sucks...for both of you, but for her, mostly. Damn!

did you pull your shirt over your head and run around doing the classic soccer airplane celebration?


#40 For one thing, learn to spell, it's "Tourettes". Second of all; how would having Tourettes make this situation different in any way? Tourettes is having random uncontrollable ticks NOT kicks.

junjouromantica 0

Things should be fine. I got kicked with a soccer ball in the stomach by a guy I liked. Not twice... but I still would of understood. And he was there to comfort me. ;) And I've accidently kicked another guy I liked during soccer. Felt really bad, but things were okay. :D

McCannCanTriple 0

If she's still cool with you after that, then she's a definite keeper. Ask her out

im cracking up just picturing the situation... lmao. but yeah that sucks for both of you

AlcSilian 0

LoL. Yeah like one of the other said here: You should have tried a hat trick :D. She will get used with it.. Now is football ball next will be someother kinds of balls :). So you gave the start my friend. Good job!

afosnes 0

dude i saw this when i was moderating earlier and like 10 min later another one came up that said the same thing but it was "i was playing soccer with a guy i like and he kicked in my face twice" thats hilarious

luv2sing247 0

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's happened to me sooo many times. That shit hurts! But it's sooo funny! (Once you get over the embarassment.) I hope she doesn't hold that against you! Haha