By KennyJF7 - 15/03/2014 02:43 - United States - Fort Worth
KennyJF7 tells us more.
I'm the OP, and the bunny was in a patch of grass oddly taller than the rest, and I didn't know it was there until I backed up because I thought I hit a tennis ball for my dog.
Top comments
The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has a tendency to avenge his brethren. Beware.
I feel like there's a Monty Python reference in this...?
"I soiled my armor I was soo scared!"
Of course! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! T'is one of the sacred relics Brother Maynard carries with him! Brother Maynard, bring out the holy hand grenade! [eyay eyay dosune domine se requie]
Quite So.
Aah, damn, not the bunnies :(
People are worried about the bunny, but we should be more worried about OP inhaling all the F. tularemia bacteria he probably breathed in when he filleted the bunny.
No. We should be worried about the bunny
Oh no, poor little bunny. Although, that must've been traumatizing for you to see and go through. My condolences. :(
Traumatizing? Bunnies are so cute, I'd need therapy after hurting one, let alone killing them ;~;
As nasty as it is, Op should be fine. It's just a small quick spray of blood.
If you think blood of a cute animal splattering on you is fine, I have a nice white room for you.
I don't.
Should've taken and left it somewhere else as soon as you saw it. But never mind, it happens.
It seems like a good thing to do but you should never touch the wild animal. Especially a young one.
#58. You are absolutely right. If you handle a baby wild animal, they often get abandoned by the parent. Granted getting run over by a lawn mower would seriously affect your day.
Animals can walk, so even if he did move the rabbit, it still could've walked back into the yard
He should have put something by it so he remembered where it was, or at least been aware that there was a bunny in his yard, especially since he just took a picture of it
Well at lease you didn't take the picture after
Ewwww... (Do never imagine the result)
RIP bunny. At least you have a picture of him/her which you can place at his/her grave.
Whenever I've seen rabbits they've been spooked by the tiniest of noises, surely it'd notice a huge noisy lawn mower coming towards it, and I don't know, RUN AWAY?
Baby rabbits will huddle and freeze when they sense danger. They will not move, which is why it is easy to catch them. They are also notoriously difficult to hand-raise, and most will die. It is better to leave them be, and walk away.
the baby might not have been able to walk because it was so young
It was a accident, and in no way your fault. But if you didn't cry, even the slightest manly tear, you're a monster.
I feel so sorry for you. I would have had a panic attack. And before anyone asks, yes, I obviously feel sorry for the bunny, too.
ok that is really stupid reasoning

The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has a tendency to avenge his brethren. Beware.
Oh no, poor little bunny. Although, that must've been traumatizing for you to see and go through. My condolences. :(