Well, actually…

By Anonymous - 25/04/2022 16:01 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, and almost every day, my mother tells me she loves me, and I say I love her back, even though I don’t. FML
I agree, your life sucks 452
You deserved it 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unless she mistreats you, you're ungrateful to have a nice loving mother.


Why speak with her at all then? You are under no obligation to do so.

She is probably still raising OP and it is most likely necessary to still speak to each other….

In that instance, yes, a certain level of bilateral communication is required...even if OP can't stand the situation. Once on their own, it's their call.

I know this feeling as well. and it hurts. hating the woman who gave birth to you is really painful and makes you question a lot. I wish you the best dear.

unless she mistreats you, you're ungrateful to have a nice loving mother.