Another one?

By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 15:24 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been crushing on for many years thinks he's a werewolf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 918
You deserved it 4 860

Same thing different taste


jaredofmo 22

Hey, you never know. It's a big, mysterious world.

trollierthanthou 1

welllll... Poor guy must be delusional or incredibly strange. But since you posted it on FML i am gonna guess and say it is a dealbreaker. Just stating the obvious. Also there are many shapes and forms of vampires and werewolves, and since no one has ever seen either (in real life), then we don't know what they look like really. Also the whole twilight thing, Stephanie Meyer dreamed all that (likely why it is so stupid). I mean, Edward looks like a barely handsome 19 year old emo. The vampires in Buffy look incredibly disturbing and not at all attractive. And Dracula looks like one of those 50 year old men that follows teenagers home at two in the morning. Harry Potter were wolves look like slightly misshapen wolves that stand on their hind legs. Twilight werewolves (shapeshifter,lycan,etc.) look like wolves that are as large as horses,but are not completly mindless. depends on the creators' perspective.also i thought every1 was pretty much over twilight after the 2nd movie came out. No? Just me, i suppose.

If he looks like the pack on twilight, who really cares?

merecat 1

That awkward moment you realize you're in a twilight movie.

Mossadchick 5

Sorta like how my Ex thought he was the real life Edward Cullen. Needless to say the relationship didnt last long.

Maybe he means he's an animal... In bed heh heh

hershandcoco188 2
thenightshroud77 9