Another one?

By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 15:24 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been crushing on for many years thinks he's a werewolf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 918
You deserved it 4 860

Same thing different taste


I know a guy who thinks he's a werewolf......

skittlesmeep 4

You must be team edward.. lol

Just put down newspaper once a month and you'll be fine.

cooling57 0

Are you sure he really thinks that and wasn't just messing around? Because people will do weird things when they are bored. o_0

squirrel1215 5

162- I wish I could be as cool as you, what with your muscle shirt getup and signature "take my picture while looking in the mirror" profile. Really unique there. *sarcasm* Sidenotes: Nerdy guys are hot. Just sayin'.