Alexa, play "Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine

By Anonymous - 16/04/2023 22:30 - Australia

Today, after enduring years in a sexless marriage, I asked my wife if she will make love to me ever again, to which she replied, "Probably not." Half an hour later she's talking about us going on a trip to Egypt next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 353
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that's a deal breaker for you, and she won't talk to you or a therapist about it, then it's time for a divorce.

Time for an annulment and make sure you state that is why you want it.


Time for an annulment and make sure you state that is why you want it.

It's time for a side. If not that get out.

Leave her or get a mistress. Your happiness matters. The only regret you will have is not doing it sooner.

If that's a deal breaker for you, and she won't talk to you or a therapist about it, then it's time for a divorce.

You'll get to sail on De-Nial, instead of it just being the reply to your sex requests.

She made her decision. The ball’s in your court - you can accept it, go outside the marriage (whether with permission or not,) or leave. Your call.

Are you that dude that got roasted on reddit for whining about his frigid wife, but then she posted a rebuttal about how you literally couldn't put in 2 seconds of effort to help with *anything* while she worked full time?