A mind of its own

By Anonymous - 15/08/2020 05:02

Today, I realized I'm getting fat. When going for a drive, I plugged my phone in to listen to music. I put the phone in my lap to start driving and my gut changed the song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 078
You deserved it 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

genuinegoodguy 9

Time to change more than just the song!

diraven 15

Keep at it. A prehensile gut could be trained into a useful talent.


genuinegoodguy 9

Time to change more than just the song!

diraven 15

Keep at it. A prehensile gut could be trained into a useful talent.

jfigley 5

Go to the gym! You can listen to your music there too.