Me is what matters

By Anonymous - 15/08/2020 05:01

Today, my mother once again interrupted me and talked over me, as though I wasn't saying anything at all. Then she wondered why I remained quiet after she was done talking about her mother doing that. Must run in the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 436
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

family or not, no one needs to tolerate toxicity. it may seem necessary because she's related. its ******* not. love yourself. advocate for yourself. if she wont let you, leave her in your dust.

Mothers have a responsibility to their kids. I had a similar situation where I was made to feel as though I had no defense for what I was being lectured about. Then I started verbally fighting back, and got the Surprised Pikachu Face and a comment about how "disrespectful" I was. I told her if she wanted respect, she had to SHOW SOME FIRST. We had a rough couple of years, but we are about to talk civilly now and have a good relationship.


diraven 15

Try it on your own kid. It's really fun!

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

family or not, no one needs to tolerate toxicity. it may seem necessary because she's related. its ******* not. love yourself. advocate for yourself. if she wont let you, leave her in your dust.

galvinizd 7

**** this respondent. she is your mother. respect her no matter her faults

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

nope, people who don't earn respect don't get it.

Mothers have a responsibility to their kids. I had a similar situation where I was made to feel as though I had no defense for what I was being lectured about. Then I started verbally fighting back, and got the Surprised Pikachu Face and a comment about how "disrespectful" I was. I told her if she wanted respect, she had to SHOW SOME FIRST. We had a rough couple of years, but we are about to talk civilly now and have a good relationship.