Young body, old soul

By lily - 12/04/2021 23:00

Today, I was diagnosed with gout. I’m 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 886
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had sympotms of gout when I was 16 (but got diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthrities instead). Same happened a few years later on my other leg. I'm 30 now and have not had any more attacks. I hope you'll be fine too!

phybreawptic 13


phybreawptic 13
bleachedraven 14

If I had a drink, I would have spit it out from reading this comment 🤣

I had sympotms of gout when I was 16 (but got diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthrities instead). Same happened a few years later on my other leg. I'm 30 now and have not had any more attacks. I hope you'll be fine too!

Sympathies, those effin' hurt. I was around 25 when it started. Haven't had an episode in a few years since I cut off the sodas from my life (I already didn't drink alcohol and didn't eat too much red meat)