By LexS12 - 30/04/2017 04:00

Today, at the age of 21, I've been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees. There goes my volleyball career. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 652
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh. People? Once you have arthritis it WILL get worse, and excessive activities- like dozens of hours of training for a professional level of a competitive sport- WILL accelerate the rate at which it gets worse. You can slow it down to a crawl, but if you do high impact sports you're going to hit the point where your joints are too damaged to play sooner rather than later. OP essentially has the choice between playing competitively for a few years and living with crippling arthritis for the rest of their life, or playing a recreational levels and extending the time they can use their joints. It's really, really ignorant or outright malicious to tell someone to do something that is damaging their body. Medicine can only help so much, the rest is life style changes.

RedPillSucks 31

perhaps this will be the start of your awesome swimming career


i was diagnosed at 19. take your vitamins and meds. you'll be fine.

Tough break OP! Hope you feel better soon..

Uh. People? Once you have arthritis it WILL get worse, and excessive activities- like dozens of hours of training for a professional level of a competitive sport- WILL accelerate the rate at which it gets worse. You can slow it down to a crawl, but if you do high impact sports you're going to hit the point where your joints are too damaged to play sooner rather than later. OP essentially has the choice between playing competitively for a few years and living with crippling arthritis for the rest of their life, or playing a recreational levels and extending the time they can use their joints. It's really, really ignorant or outright malicious to tell someone to do something that is damaging their body. Medicine can only help so much, the rest is life style changes.

It is very important to keep exercising while you have arthritis! Unfortunately as Ghostfox stated, their dream of becoming that Volleyball player is out the window. Continuous use of stiff joints is what helps keep it at bay, as well as a healthier lifestyle. It's going to be hard some days as it hurts, but the longer you sit the more it builds up. My grandmother (Knees, feet, hands and wrists) and my mother (Hands and wrists) have it and they've told me many times the days they do nothing kill them for the next. Good Luck OP.

RedPillSucks 31

perhaps this will be the start of your awesome swimming career

(almost) 25, 1st year of an acting course including different dance types. While I don't have arthritis YET, I'm on the fast track, as told by several doctors. I (literally) feel your pain OP! It sucks!

I've had it throughout my entire body since I was 3. It's an awful disease. Yeah there are medications you can take if it's severe enough to help combat the pain and from it getting worse but as someone else said it will only get worse as you age. Knowing your limits is the best thing for you. Don't let other people try to push you further than your body tells you it can handle.

stevenbro 6

That sucks, but I'm not sure volleyball is really a "career."

ozziespots 14

competitive? it's like football being s career.mthink before you speak jackass

I feel your pain. I'm 24 and have rheumatoid arthritis. I found out not long after I took up running, which I actually enjoyed. I'm now a first year student nurse and feeling the pain a lot in my knuckles thanks to writing copious amounts of notes. I'm also trying to figure out if my joints will actually be able to handle the long hours and tough workload of being a nurse. I haven't even started my career yet and could only imagine how horrible it would feel having to give it up. It might not help much but I hope you find something low impact that you enjoy as much as volleyball.

At least you can keep your volleyball ass