You absolute melt

By errints234234 - 13/05/2010 23:31 - United States

Today, I was reading a magazine while straightening my hair. I got really into this one article until suddenly a huge clump of hair fell on it. I looked up and realized I had burned through the layer of hair I was straightening, leaving me with one layer at ear length and the rest at bra length. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 708
You deserved it 47 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VenusBlue 0

YDI for not paying attention while doing your hair. Lame.


Ok... what I would like to know is, why on earth are you reading a magazine while straightening your hair? You totally deserve that.

WickedClownMCL 1

Did your hair become straight?

LadyEmi 15

The stupidity of people amazes me. You're included.

Well where I live girls are shaving little bit of hair at one side and the rest of the hair is a should length or below. It actually nice

Well atleast people will look at your face instead of your cleavage

Idiot. It's pretty sad if my 5 year old cousin can figure out something, and you, as an adult or late teenager, can't.

missnovocaine 14