You absolute melt

By errints234234 - 13/05/2010 23:31 - United States

Today, I was reading a magazine while straightening my hair. I got really into this one article until suddenly a huge clump of hair fell on it. I looked up and realized I had burned through the layer of hair I was straightening, leaving me with one layer at ear length and the rest at bra length. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 708
You deserved it 47 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VenusBlue 0

YDI for not paying attention while doing your hair. Lame.


OP is one special person, I bet it takes a whole new level of stupid to pull something like that off, or is it burn something like that off....?

1st you're such an idiot - u never do a second thing while straightening your hair. 2nd it's not a big deal get hair extensions, they are pretty much the same color and you can get what ever length.

Good hair extensions aren't exactly cheap. Not everyone has hundreds of dollars on hand. That being said, who the **** reads a magazine while doing their own hair? Occasionally I listen to music while straightening my hair, but that's it. I need my eyes to make sure the hair is straight, and that I'm getting all the different sections of hair.

SweetestSin 4

Well your not the brightest skittle in the bag now are you? Maybe you should cross out trying to multitask from now on!!

grap skittle!? all the other colors are bright, I think? I normally eat the whole bag before I notice they are colored

SweetestSin 4

Yellow is the brightest, I am thinking she is a purple on this one. I understand eating a whole bag before realizing that they are colored, they are just that damn good :-)

they are! and yeah, def. a purple one, and a brown m&m, which I also just learned were colored :O

SweetestSin 4

You get 2 thumbs up from me :-)

why is there a random arm in your pic...?

SweetestSin 4

because I have kids. My son was getting ready to take a pic with mommy

Die it black and go emo till it grows out.

Killing your hair will not solve the solution.

mysfit 0

next time i'll bet you'll pay more attention! :D

dude... what kind of straightner do u have?? cuz nowadays if u leave it for a long time in ur hair, it wnt do that to you..... I truthly think is time to modernize!!!

no brain, no pain. surely it would have hurt, or at least smelled like something was burning.