WTF does that even mean?

By Betrayed - 16/03/2022 16:00

Today, my coworker, who I thought was my “friend,” threw me under the bus and showed my boss all the texts I'd sent talking shit about her. I was sacked. I confronted him and told him I thought we were friends. He replied, “The mouse is friend of the cheese, it doesn’t mean he’s not gonna eat it.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 537
You deserved it 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I learned as a 12 yr old, NEVER talk shit about your boss to anyone who may know the boss.

(1) Coworkers are seldom “friends” - They are coworkers and you will never know who of your coworkers will respect your secrets and who will pass them along. Never forget this. Your friends are the people you know and socialize with outside work who know and care for you. (2) Don’t talk shit about your boss (or coworkers) - Especially not in a form that documents what you said or wrote. To do so is very foolish.


I learned as a 12 yr old, NEVER talk shit about your boss to anyone who may know the boss.

Jon Tessler 14

so you talked shite about the person who held your job "in the palm of your hand" and didn't expect them to find are a special kind of "person"....I bet you learn never to do that again.

You can talk sh!t about them once they are no longer your boss and not looking for references.

I hope that’s the last time you trust a coworker like that. FYL for now but you deserve it in the future if you don’t learn anything from this.

(1) Coworkers are seldom “friends” - They are coworkers and you will never know who of your coworkers will respect your secrets and who will pass them along. Never forget this. Your friends are the people you know and socialize with outside work who know and care for you. (2) Don’t talk shit about your boss (or coworkers) - Especially not in a form that documents what you said or wrote. To do so is very foolish.

lesson learned the hard way. coworkers are not your friends and you're not there to make friends. you can't trust anybody these days. coworkers are at the bottom of the barrel

Rule #1 - Trust no one Rule #2 - No friends at work Rule #3 - Don't put it in writing

Meh, just be more careful in your next job. And share nothing with nobody, especially about the boss and not in writing. Think it don't say it.