By Fuzzy - 08/01/2010 07:56 - Australia

Today, I was watching Star Wars : Attack of the Clones, and Yoda was using the force to move a heavy object. While in the middle of my loungeroom, I instinctively put my hand up to use the force to help him, infront of my father and sister. My sister will never let me live it down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 132
You deserved it 39 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Force choke your sister until she sees your point of view. That always works for me.

"Instinctively"? Either you are a huge nerd.or you have ******* awesome powers. You better hope for the latter.


MiGman 5

op that's why you do this when there not home. it's even worse when you and your dad do this at the same time

blo0_starZz 0

use the force to grow some balls, you must. hmm yesh.

What's a git? Is that an it but very feminine? Lol


On Harry potter, a git is like a jerk or a dick. I'm assuming its a British thing

nikki908 3

And you did it in front of them? YDI

Force choke your sister until she sees your point of view. That always works for me.

daydreamstar 7

but, 7, Yoda is a good, Old Republic Jedi who believes Force choking is the Sith way :)

Yet hangs around with a Jedi who uses the Dark side (Mace Windu). :P

this is when u know u need to get a life...

daydreamstar 7

# 3 wins this page! lmao! OP: youre bantha fodder XDXDXD now use your money and go buy some sense.. and not the sixth one.

"Instinctively"? Either you are a huge nerd.or you have ******* awesome powers. You better hope for the latter.

^ This. I was a little confused at the 'instinctively' part too

12 wasn't confused by the instinctively part, he was emphasizing his point about the OP being a loser by saying instinctively with quotation marks and a question mark.

Don't worry, I do the same thing watching the Star Wars movies.