
By UnemployedWife - 26/01/2024 00:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, my husband typed in my work Teams Chat, “FUCK THIS JOB I QUIT” while I was away from my desk. All this because he’s still jealous of my and a male coworker’s friendship. I was terminated. He showed no remorse for what he did and told me to find another job where I won’t “slut around.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 040
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run fast, run far. He's not beating you yet but he probably is working at isolating you. Does he drive a wedge in between you and your family and friends?

girl you need to GTFO. now. this is abuse and it WILL escalate. he WILL eventually hit you


Run fast, run far. He's not beating you yet but he probably is working at isolating you. Does he drive a wedge in between you and your family and friends?

girl you need to GTFO. now. this is abuse and it WILL escalate. he WILL eventually hit you

Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

if u stay with him with that behavior you're basically letting him know it's OK he's literally calling u a **** getting u fired. if u accept this behavior and stay sadly u deserve what u tolerate

She has no job and no money now. Are you going to put her up?

If that isn't divorce worthy bullshit to you then you need your head examined. Seriously, run and do not look back.

Time to end an abusive relationship since now you got terminated and he’s the reason. Good luck!

Alternative proposal: Find another husband that won't F* around with your livelihood and ability to get away from him if he becomes even more controlling/abusive.

dongdong xiang 10

Girl he did it for a reason. never mix work and pleasure. it usually ends up pretty badly. you were probably crossing the line with this male coworker. it happens all the time. a shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on. ive seen it. he probably did you a favour. not in the best way but he did it nonetheless. protecting the sanctity of your marriage is more important than ******** where you eat. next time you get a job remember work is work. no one at work is your friend.

@dongdong xiang - Let me guess, single right? Stay that way.

dongdong xiang 10

No, i have someone. but thanks for asking.

dongdong xiang 10

Why? they’re lucky asf to have me. 3 years strong. not going anywhere =]

Not going anywhere because you got them fired? Are you the husband?

What the victim-blaming BS is this reply? I see you unfortunately have a partner. Here's hoping they wise up sometime soon, because holy CRAP you are toxic.

dongdong xiang 10

Oh yeah, laying out the consequences of someone’s actions is totally victim blaming. And why does me having a partner have a correlation to this? I’m far from toxic. I believe in accountability and responsibility for my actions.

You have no reason to say she was being inappropriate or crossing a line. There is no information in her post to indicate that. You are being a toxic misogynist by leaping to that conclusion. But even if she was having an emotional affair, the way her husband handled it was completely childish, cruel, and irresponsible. If she needed to leave her job because of poor boundaries, that should have been done as part of an overall, agreed-upon plan, which would have included learning proper skills for establishing and maintaining boundaries. You are aither a troll (I hope) or else a hugely damaged individual who should seek professional help.

dongdong xiang 10

“Toxic misogyny” lmaoooooo. okay. Get married and have your wife hoe Around with someone from work and see how that works out for you. Girlboss isn’t being a *****. Girlboss is being FAITHFUL to your spouse/SO. if you wanna act single BE SINGLE.

So having male friends means she's "hoeing around". I guess your head is just for decoration and I really hope you don't reproduce because you're stupid as ****

GTFO of that marriage. File for divorce and a restraining order. Tell your work what happened. If you both live in a house, get your lawyer to get it solely in your name so that abusive asshole has to leave. Do all this as safely as possible, he can't find out.

dongdong xiang 10

y’all acting like he beat her to a pulp or something. all he was doing was protecting his marriage. he saw a potential threat. what do you do when you see a threat to you or your family? get rid of the treat DUH

Sigh.. I wonder why I am even trying to reason with you but here goes. The way the husband handled the situation was EXTREMELY IMMATURE. He simply took an action that took all control of the situation out of OP's hands. That shows that he has no respect for her as a person. It is a scientifically proven fact that abusive spouses isolate their partners, cutting them off from means of supporting themselves financially and from emotional support because this allows them to carry on their abuse unhindered. I really, really pity your partner, as well as anyone else who has to listen to your opinions.

@dongdong xiang - I hope your partner finds out what you're really like and leaves you.

dongdong xiang 10

@iamthebanzai22 You’re totally missing the point. he was trying to get OP to stop being a **** with her coworker - allegedly. he did it for a reason. when there’s smoke there’s fire. OP shouldn’t be screwing arond on the job especially being married. if anything she was disrespecting the marriage. “Cutting them off from supporting themselves financially” He literally said for her to find another job. Hopefully OP learns her lesson from this one and stops ******** where she eats.

Even if he is right and there is something going on, that was the wrong way to handle it. He could have suggested couples therapy, taken her on a date to reconnect with her, or simply discussed the matter openly. Colleagues often become friends, it's a normal thing. We all feel jealousy and insecurity sometimes, that is normal. But it's the way that we handle those things that make us healthy or toxic partners. He handled this in an extremely destructive manner, not a constructive one.

dongdong xiang 10

@Hangryko - I don’t **** around on the job like OP (no offense) so he won’t booboo.

dongdong xiang 10

Yeah “friends” A shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on. ive seen this shit all the time in the workplace.

MistressAfrodite 5

bullshit. she wasn’t slutting around. he’s an immature baby. she has a friend and he can’t handle it. and he’ll continue to sabotage her jobs as she’s going to make genuine platonic connections with people of the opposite sex anywhere she works. it is completely unreasonable to expect someone to never befriend someone if the opposite sex. if you can’t handle that then it’s time to grow up and do some healing.

dongdong xiang 10

You obviously never been married or been in a relationship. If you wanna hoe around with people of the opposite sex then just stay single. Not a hard concept.

How is having a friend hoeing around idiot. If you're insecure and a male presence scares you, just say that you dumb piece of shit