Worst sniper ever

By Anonymous - 23/07/2021 19:59

Today, I had to ban my teenage son from taking his phone into the bathroom, not because he looks at porn, but because he’s so engrossed in the screen, he doesn’t aim while he pees all over the seat and sometimes the floor, without cleaning it up. He’s not incapable, just fucking lazy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 055
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So do like I did with my boys. If they kept missing and not cleaning it up, I sent a text message to them and their friends saying if they can’t go to the bathroom like an adult, then maybe it’s time to do potty training again. Solved that issue

Marcella1016 31

In all fairness to him, he is also probably looking at ****. Parenting tip: Every time he pees all over your bathroom and doesn’t clean it up, you pee all over his phone and don’t clean it up. Actions have consequences. That’s how you teach responsibility.


Marcella1016 31

In all fairness to him, he is also probably looking at ****. Parenting tip: Every time he pees all over your bathroom and doesn’t clean it up, you pee all over his phone and don’t clean it up. Actions have consequences. That’s how you teach responsibility.

bleachedraven 14

So do like I did with my boys. If they kept missing and not cleaning it up, I sent a text message to them and their friends saying if they can’t go to the bathroom like an adult, then maybe it’s time to do potty training again. Solved that issue

You're OK with him looking at **** in the bathroom? A teenage boy? It's so quaint you think that is pee.

yeah I had to ban my preteen daughter from taking her phone into the bathroom because she's so engrossed in it she forgets to wipe off and flush

brockwaycc 3

Who the hell looks at their phone when they’re standing taking a piss lol

Looking at your phone while pooping- I understand. Looking at phone while peeing? Wtf?