You all sound the same

By kaitlin - 04/06/2021 14:01

Today, I got my first job interview since the pandemic started, with Dollar Tree. The interview was going great, until I accidentally said ,"Dollar General." Safe to say I’m not getting that job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KristyRoseTakeMeHome 12

Don't count yourself out just get.

abolisk 2

family dollar is owned by dollar tree. dollar general, i don’t believe, is associated with them


KristyRoseTakeMeHome 12

Don't count yourself out just get.

Aren't they owned by the same corporation anyway? You might still be okay OP, I bet even the people already working there get them confused.

abolisk 2

family dollar is owned by dollar tree. dollar general, i don’t believe, is associated with them

abolisk 2

i don’t think so. i think it’s just family dollar is owned by dollar yree

bleachedraven 14

abolisk is right...but yes, easily confusing for people working there too, lol

Glitterbaby2613 20

tomato tomahtoe 😂😂 you'll be aight, all of them are considered in the family

It happens to the best of us- way to go on job hunting. That takes a lot of energy