
By Anonymous - 23/07/2021 12:01 - United States

Today, after I applied for an IT position at work, and a coworker I’ve worked with for 3 years, who said she had no intention on applying, wished me luck and told me, "I hope you get it!" it's now a week later and it turns out she applied the next day, got the offer and accepted. I had to find out a week later from a different coworker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 078
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IT jobs suck. You didn't want that anyways. You know what people think when IT is brilliant and gets their computers running flawlessly? Nothing, that's what they expect. They only get hatred and derision when things go awry. The job has no upside! That's why it pays so well.

Employers try to hire the best fit for the position - Sometimes that’s you, sometimes it’s someone else. When it comes to competition for a job it’s unrealistic to expect others to just stand back and let you get a position that they want too. And work associates do not always tell you the level of truth you might expect - Or maybe they changed their mind… By the way, the “better fit for the job” is not always about the technical skills even in a technical job. Sometimes when the skill sets are similar, it’s a “can do” attitude and sometimes it’s being willing to work for less money. When I didn’t get a position that I applied for, I had to assume it just wasn’t a good fit. And the last thing I would want would be a job that I was not a good fit for. It can be hard to accept that sometimes, but I still believe it. Wish your associate well with their new position and be gracious. Don’t give up looking for a better position. It’s a small world, you may need to interact with this person again either here or in some other company - Look for new opportunities but don’t burn down any bridges.


IT jobs suck. You didn't want that anyways. You know what people think when IT is brilliant and gets their computers running flawlessly? Nothing, that's what they expect. They only get hatred and derision when things go awry. The job has no upside! That's why it pays so well.

Marcella1016 31

The obvious solution is to flood the system with viruses and make her job hell. Even better, perform a ransomware attack, get rich, and retire. Don’t forget to wish her luck first!

Employers try to hire the best fit for the position - Sometimes that’s you, sometimes it’s someone else. When it comes to competition for a job it’s unrealistic to expect others to just stand back and let you get a position that they want too. And work associates do not always tell you the level of truth you might expect - Or maybe they changed their mind… By the way, the “better fit for the job” is not always about the technical skills even in a technical job. Sometimes when the skill sets are similar, it’s a “can do” attitude and sometimes it’s being willing to work for less money. When I didn’t get a position that I applied for, I had to assume it just wasn’t a good fit. And the last thing I would want would be a job that I was not a good fit for. It can be hard to accept that sometimes, but I still believe it. Wish your associate well with their new position and be gracious. Don’t give up looking for a better position. It’s a small world, you may need to interact with this person again either here or in some other company - Look for new opportunities but don’t burn down any bridges.

She be your competition AND wish you luck. How is that backstabbing? But if it's really bothering you, you can have a conversation with her about it.

She wished you well, hope you are able to return the favor and work towards new goals. Aim high my friend