We have to talk…

By Anonymous - 09/10/2018 16:00 - United States - Portsmouth

Today, my wife asked me to come talk to her in the bedroom. Thinking she wanted to have a quickie while her sister was spending time with our son, I rushed into the room. She didn't want a quickie, she wanted a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 708
You deserved it 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens sometimes. You might think you’re having a small issue and really it’s that they’re polyamorous and ******* their trans best friend. No? Just me? Ok...


I don’t understand how divorce comes as a surprise! What kind of women/men do people seem to marry?? Anyway, I feel for you man! Hang in there

It happens sometimes. You might think you’re having a small issue and really it’s that they’re polyamorous and ******* their trans best friend. No? Just me? Ok...

When my parents got divorced, it was a surprise for my mom. Yeah, they fought a lot, but she tried everything to keep the marriage together, and thought my dad was doing the same. Instead, he came home from a vacation and announced that he was leaving her. She had no clue it was coming.

Chris Reid 8

Read the room wrong on that one

you Cumming in 30 seconds doesn't make it "a quickie" for her

That’s a “slowie”. A very expensive slowie!

if a quickie was your first thought then your marriage musta been on the rocks for a while

Always coming too quickly...maybe that was the problem...