Dealing with it

By Anonymous - 26/03/2020 02:05

Today, my husband's idea of social isolation is to lock himself in his caravan with his Xbox, 200 cans of beer and a dozen takeaway menus. I’ve not seen him in 6 days, and when I tried to force entry to tell him to snap out of it, he sprayed disinfectant at me until I couldn’t breathe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 141
You deserved it 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

This doesn’t sound healthy for your relationship

so he can let the takeaway delivery guy come to the door but not you?


Sady_Ct 37

This doesn’t sound healthy for your relationship

so he can let the takeaway delivery guy come to the door but not you?

Marcella1016 31

I can’t imagine the smell. Forget about showers, where is he peeing and defecating?! 🤢

2deployments1divorce 11

In some parts of the world a camper or RV is called a Caravan. It could have full bathroom services

Marcella1016 31

Haha thanks. I was picturing a Dodge Caravan and having a bit of trouble lol

bobsanction 18

It's called social distancing Karen.

It's so simple. As the delivery guy approaches, seduce him. During sex, knock him out (if you're not violent, you can make the sex so boring, he falls asleep). Put on his uniform and ambush your husband in that brilliant disguise. I'm surprised you didn't think that up on your own.

Maybe bag all his stuff up and drop it off at the door...... he might get the message?

Matthew Irmen 11