We all do it. Don't we?

By Anonymous - 30/08/2010 07:30 - United States

Today, I saw my girlfriend scratch her crotch and then sniff her fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 048
You deserved it 13 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

and?? I've seen boys do that too. lol


Also... I don't know if I'm weird in this, but I find my feminine scent quite appealing, turns me on like crazy LOL You smell something good, you will smell it again. That's also why I do it :P

Not weird! I find the natural scent v.erotic as well :)

Quest_ 13

What?! A female comfortable with her own natural bodily functions??!!! Everyone, grab perfumed soap, scrubbing brushes, a cheese grater, powder, and FOR GODS SAKE DON'T FORGET THE PH-BALANCED VAGINAL DEODORIZER CHHHAAAAAARRRRGGGEE!!!!

Talk about a classy broad. She's a keeper. Atleast she didn't scratch her ass and then smell them.

nasty ass chick.. and what's up wit all these females gettin their panties up in a bunch bout this..?? lol.

Not nasty! I don't blame her. the scent of a woman is the best smell in the world.

hahah poppetsauce ur crazy. maybe slob ass dudes will scratch themselves and smell but hell na. ur getting it twisted about the rest of us. ur being sexist. why the he'll is it being turned out like that.?

yea I ain't gonna lie. women do smell good. but not when it smells like fish. lol. the only reason why it seems nasty is cuz it's not lady like for a girl to scratch herself down there and smell it. only slob people do that.

moleSG 6

Oh, come on, most guys do that.

Igor_g5 0

Maybe she just rubbed it and checked to see if it smelled bad. My GF does that sometimes if she knows that I'm going to be eating her pussy. It's called consideration, not gross. She wanted to make sure that she didn't smell bad. Just like sometimes people smell their own armpits to make sure that they don't smell offensive. But she can't stick her nose down there so she has to bring the smell to her nose.

Xquisite1 28

@13, You racist cum-drinking ****. There was no reason for you to say that 10 looked like an ape. I've noticeds that there's alot of racist assholes on this site. **** ALL OF YOU RACIST BASTARDS.