Alexa, **** off

By GoogleOFF - 07/07/2020 08:08

Today, my Google Home decided the TV told it to play 'Despacito'. It didn't. Google then decided I wasn't yelling at it to turn it off. I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 196
You deserved it 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

Hello Dave. There are hot singles in your area. You WILL like them.

And Google Home will decide that you need to hear the ******' Justin Bieber monstrosity of a version of that song, and you will like it. Google Home requires that you like it. It's not good enough to say you like it. Google Home will play it until it decides you actually like it.


And Google Home will decide that you need to hear the ******' Justin Bieber monstrosity of a version of that song, and you will like it. Google Home requires that you like it. It's not good enough to say you like it. Google Home will play it until it decides you actually like it.

bloopaloop 27

Hello Dave. There are hot singles in your area. You WILL like them.

It's either: No, HAL, they're all fat and smell of onions. Or, "Dave? Dave's not here!"

I hope you weren't yelling Google off like your name suggests