By superhero1043 - 14/05/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I realized that my baby stops crying loudly whenever I turn on the vacuum cleaner. I'm either stuck with a fussy baby all day, or the roaring sound of a vacuum cleaner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 605
You deserved it 5 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you consider that the baby doesnt stop crying, you just can't here it over the vacuum

Haha that sucks! I can't stand the sound of babies crying, it's annoying! But then the vacuum is a pretty annoying sound too. Couldn't you find something else to entertain the baby?


solution= suck up the baby with the vac

ohmywows 0

no just record that sound and then put it on an iPod and whenever the baby starts crying put the headphones in it's ears and let it listen!

or you could, you know, TAKE CARE OF YOUR KID

TheOriginalKyrs 0

if it's collicky there isn't much you can do.

i've known a few babies to like the vacuum. OP, you could try recording and putting it on a CD player.

EcstacyVonVanity 0

Comment! Whoo! And I was like that too.

Haha that sucks! I can't stand the sound of babies crying, it's annoying! But then the vacuum is a pretty annoying sound too. Couldn't you find something else to entertain the baby?

Not sure that's really appropriate for a baby though lol.

JaimeWorth89 3

you might try setting your baby on topnof the dryer...babies tend to like vibrations and noise from that and the vacuum cleaner

Did you consider that the baby doesnt stop crying, you just can't here it over the vacuum

teebone621 0

that sounds like a big possibility

w00ble 0

It's not a FML it's science...

Wow, that's interesting, makes sense that the baby likes it then!

MysticAngel 0