Brain Bleach Please!

By yepi'mblindnow - 13/07/2017 11:48

Today, my mom asked me to back up her phone. When I downloaded all of her pictures and checked to make sure they were all saved, I accidentally saw the topless photos she's been sexting my dad. I can erase the files, but not the images in my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 729
You deserved it 792

blackbird8 tells us more.

blackbird8 10

OP here. Update: my mom asked me to back up her phone again this weekend :O Since she saves everything on her phone she doesn't have enough storage for updates, so I have to back up and clear her phone fairly frequently. This weekend she told me she needed me to back up her phone AGAIN...I politely declined. And then had to explain to her why #AWKWARD. It's not the fact that they're boobs (duh, I have boobs; 50% of the world has boobs) it's that they're sexts. Also, she took them at work. Apparently my parents have a wild side.

Top comments

species4872 19

Be thankful she was just topless.

I don't know what kind of sex you're having, but boobs definitely serve a function during sex.


stephh_1 11

Wish you could unsee that haha

species4872 19

Be thankful she was just topless.

Why would you erase them? She might want to resend some to your dad instead of taking new ones.

Lobby_Bee 17

Would you be interested in some FML brand eye bleach?

On the bright side, it's all for your dad. :)

thehaystackerine 20

It's just boobs. You used to feed from them.

Good for your parents for having a sex life. And now you can eternally tease them about it.

i feel that it would be awkward teasing them about it since i dont think they know he saw them.

blackbird8 10

OP here. Update: my mom asked me to back up her phone again this weekend :O Since she saves everything on her phone she doesn't have enough storage for updates, so I have to back up and clear her phone fairly frequently. This weekend she told me she needed me to back up her phone AGAIN...I politely declined. And then had to explain to her why #AWKWARD. It's not the fact that they're boobs (duh, I have boobs; 50% of the world has boobs) it's that they're sexts. Also, she took them at work. Apparently my parents have a wild side.

Just be gratefull you didn't see your dad's response pictures

Christina Winden 22

100% of people in the world have boobs.... not 50%..... Females are just larger