
By Anonymous - 07/09/2013 04:37 - United States - West Hartford

Today, I found out the unionized cleaning people that empty the garbage and clean the toilets make $19/hr and have more paid time off than I do with my college degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 355
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks op, but if you go through your career focusing on what others are earning you'll never be satisfied

Go clean up someone else's crap and report back to us on whether or not you still believe they should be paid so little.


#111 - If you're going to call somebody a dumbass, please, Please, PLEASE use the correct form of "you're." I find that it helps avoid complete backfiring.

I sure as shit wouldn't put my hand in a toilet for anything less than that. People are ridiculous to expect anyone to take that job for less than a livable wage. "Right, I know, I'll spend all day cleaning up poop and spit and zitty mirrors and bloody stall cans and then I'll go home and eat Ramen and pray the electric people forget to turn my power off until next Tuesday when I get paid next. It's a good thing I don't have health insurance, or all of those contagions sure would go to waste on me." said nobody ever.

This won't be a popular comment, but that is what happens when unions get involved with menial labor jobs. Just look at what is happening with the McDonald protests for higher wages. $15/hr? Sorry if this steps on some toes, but it is true.

Menial labor jobs? I don't think you realize how important those jobs are, and just how hard people like custodians or hotel maids or whatever work. You sure as hell sound like you couldn't do it.

Totally read this at first as "un-ionized" was like wait whaaat

They deserve it! Who wants to clean toilets all day? Don't be hateful.

That's American culture for you. Experience typically trumps education these days. Unless you have to have a degree for a specific job, it's a waste of money.

Every boss will be trying to squeeze the money out of you. If you accept shitty wages, suits yourself. Feel proud that some people are capable of fighting for their rights to have a decent salary. If you feel you cannot do it alone, try and join an union, there're here exactly for people like you !

It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

I feel for you, OP. I haven't been able to even find a decent job since I graduated college last year.