Wait, what?

By Anonymous - 09/03/2022 22:00

Today, I woke up in a pool of what felt like sweat and tears. Little did I realize, my then-girlfriend had snuck into the house and drenched me in salty water to get me back for kissing her sister. I guess we're even now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 188
You deserved it 1 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ACTUALLY think waking up a little wet is comparable to CHEATING? With her SISTER?? Personally, I would never speak to either of you again.

Filed under “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”.


Filed under “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”.

You ACTUALLY think waking up a little wet is comparable to CHEATING? With her SISTER?? Personally, I would never speak to either of you again.

cheating is bad enough. you seriously couldn't find someone not in her family to cheat with?! you had to ruin that relationship too?! no you're not even, not even close

Sounds to me like she went easy on you for your infidelity. Be grateful she didn't do something much worse.