All the Pringle ladies

By looks over personality I guess - 05/02/2023 05:00 - United States

Today, my mean, nasty, arrogant, bully of a sister is getting married for the second time. Meanwhile, I’ve always been kind, caring, considerate… and single as a damn Pringle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 740
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So either your next brother-in-law is oblivious and needs to be told what his future bride is like, or he's just as bad as her and that's why they've connected. Which one is it? Also, Pringles are never single unless the consumer chooses to leave one from the rest. And no one is that insane.

Sounds like the husband-to-be may need to know about this website if the bride is that toxic.


Sounds like the husband-to-be may need to know about this website if the bride is that toxic.

So either your next brother-in-law is oblivious and needs to be told what his future bride is like, or he's just as bad as her and that's why they've connected. Which one is it? Also, Pringles are never single unless the consumer chooses to leave one from the rest. And no one is that insane.