True, but come on…

By scared to leave the house - 20/08/2012 09:14 - Canada - Williams Lake

Today, I was at Starbucks after having a rough day. The old man beside me was talking to his friend. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him point at me and say, "See that beautiful girl over there?" Flattered, I listened closer… until he finished his statement with, "She's gonna die." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 204
You deserved it 2 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

illabye 0

Look on the bright side... You'll make a lovely corpse.


Here's a suggestion: sleep with both eyes open for the next month or two, just in case...

LadyJoker21 0

I woulda turned around with a smile and yes yes I am from AIDS then licked whatever he was drinking or eating

when I was a kid when ever I went to weddings the old people would come up and poke me saying your next. so I starting do doing the same thing to them when ever I went to funerals.

It was probs just a random superstitious man and at least you got called pretty

Oh shit I hope you got away from that assassin.

LOCK THE DOORS AND BOLT THE WINDOWS (so that nobody knows)