Tonight, on First Dates…

By Anonymous - 25/05/2022 18:00

Today, I got slapped by a date because she thought I was making fun of her speech impediment. I wasn't making fun, I just have the same speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 094
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you explained and she understood that you were sincere! I also hope it was not a Will Smith sized slap… It’s unfortunate that people can become sensitized and then react inappropriately. This is also an example why a mature person does not escalate a perceived verbal insult to a physical attack.

Sounds like a Three Stooges movie is about to break out.


I hope you explained and she understood that you were sincere! I also hope it was not a Will Smith sized slap… It’s unfortunate that people can become sensitized and then react inappropriately. This is also an example why a mature person does not escalate a perceived verbal insult to a physical attack.

It's for the best. If you two were to procreate, you'd almost certainly bear children with the same impediment, they'd get bullied at school and turn into mass murderers. Just go your separate ways knowing that you've saved dozens of lives.

I think it's probably for the best cause if you two did get together and ran into a 3rd person with the same impediment.....

Sounds like a Three Stooges movie is about to break out.