Girlfriends or girl friends?

By Charlotte - 25/05/2022 22:00

Today, I was going through my sibling’s old phones from high school, trying to find pictures of our deceased father. It turns out that all my girlfriends had sent my brother nudes at one point or another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 254
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing you didn't go through your late dad's phone. I'll bet there were videos of your girlfriends with him. I'm wondering if a lot of girls pretended to be gay and used you to get closer to your brother.


Good thing you didn't go through your late dad's phone. I'll bet there were videos of your girlfriends with him. I'm wondering if a lot of girls pretended to be gay and used you to get closer to your brother.