By InnocenceBlue - 20/07/2019 04:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, after I've been nauseous for a week straight, barely eating or sleeping, I was going to see my doctor. She then called in sick and I can't get an appointment for another week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 654
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you know she was really sick? You should demand to see a doctor’s note!!

What's the issue with seeing another doctor in the meantime?


How do you know she was really sick? You should demand to see a doctor’s note!!

What's the issue with seeing another doctor in the meantime?

samomaha 17

Apparently there is only one doctor in Perth??

No wonder the doctor called in sick. All the stress of being the only doctor in the entire city.

I have a bunch of other issues that many doctors dismiss but my doctor is aware of and has been actively treating them. Mental and physical. Going through the bullshit of explaining to another doctor my extensive timeline of stuff is exhausting and usually ineffective. On a side note the issue is related to something she has prescribed me and I don't want to go to another doctor who doesn't know me well and have them mess around with my meds.

I'm in Bunbury thanks and this is related to a prescription issue.

some insurances only let you see the Dr they set as your pcp.

I guess life during the plague must have been exactly like that..

LostSoul 19

i.e., same-day walk-in clinic (w/ doctors, not just nurses, etc.)???

You have to have sex to be pregnant lol. I'm going through a dry spell atm.

You just ask for a second opinion in advance 😂

Do they have urgent care in Australia?

First up most of you are assholes. Thanks for the sympathy. Second I don't live in Perth, a much smaller town and third this issue is to do with an ongoing battle with various combinations of meds. I do not want a random doctor messing around with a regime which has taking years to perfect and tweak. Lastly the issue is withdrawal from my old meds so having a new doctor change the medications would have been counterproductive. Peace.

Yeah, you’re the asshole here. The comments are giving helpful suggestions for the minimal amount of information you’ve given us. So go **** off.

Have you taken a pregnancy test??? That would be my first course of action.