By Undercover - 12/10/2009 08:38 - United States

Today, while working as a plain clothes police officer, I witnessed a fight in a front yard. My partner and I intervened and clearly identified ourselves as police. Unfortunately, the two guys' mother didn't have her hearing aid in, and hit my arm with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 657
You deserved it 4 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

captaincanoe 0

She heard you, they just pretend to not hear you so that they can try and not get arrested for assaulting a police officer hope you arrested her

That's what you got for wearing plain clothes. Throw those rags out and spice it up with some fluoro pink shirts and electric orange pants. And would it kill you to wear some glitter every now and then?


Buahahahahaha that's what u get when u mix a cat and a trampoline!!!!!

no. That's what you get when a deaf person hits you with a baseball bat on the arm. A cat and a trampoline could end up going great distances because of another trampoline, a missile, or TNT explosives. Evidence -

youre an undercover cop and youre bitching cause an old woman hit you on the arm. pussy.

Well, have you ever been hit by a bat? it f'ing hurts!!!

hurts more across the forehead when ur only 11

Suck it up princess my dads a cop he got pepper sprayed by his own partner who was trying to subdue a criminal he didn't whine at all just got realllllly mad lol xD but mummy deserved it...

Let's hit 105 in the arm with a baseball bat, and then he can tell us whether or not it hurts first-hand.

captaincanoe 0

She heard you, they just pretend to not hear you so that they can try and not get arrested for assaulting a police officer hope you arrested her

omgcookeys 15

sue for assault was the first thing I thought of too!

Klima_fml 29

That's what I thought too, I don't understand the point in hitting the poor guy with a bat anyways as he was breaking up a fight.

TerriblyPerfect 0

Aww, FYL, just be glad it was your arm and not other places(;

That's what you got for wearing plain clothes. Throw those rags out and spice it up with some fluoro pink shirts and electric orange pants. And would it kill you to wear some glitter every now and then?

Intellectualist 0

You made me laugh, I am amused :)

moonlight_daze 8

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Youre an idiot, the point is that people will be less paranoid if they dont see an officer in uniform, and thus they can catch people like muggers, dealers, and the like more easily.

Intellectualist 0

obvious troll is sexy, once again (;

wintermadness1 0

ahh, so it's entrapment! even better. They know that seeing a cop makes people not commit they should stop there. That's doing their job, preventing crimes. But then they hide and pretend not to be a cop, to trick people into committing crimes that wouldn't even have been committed if they had been in uniform! They're causing crimes just to arrest people for them.

theblazian 0

.... Do you even know what entrapment means? They trick people into committing crimes they wouldn't do if there were cops around but they would if there weren't? .... your logic is so retarded I'm not quite sure where to start in telling you how horribly wrong and stupid you are.....

GR3453m0nk3y 4

im actually gonna side on wintermadness on this one blazian... there are many things i wouldnt do it cops were around and vice-versa but thats the risk you take when you do somehting illegal in public or around other people even people who arent cops can arrest you, or tell the cops on you, or anything of that sort but it still is pretty messed up that cops do that

theblazian 0

but then technically wouldn't drug/prostitution busts, undercover cops that are watching the mafia, gangs, etc, fbi stings, etc all be entrapment? Because I'm sure none of the people doing the crimes the Po-po and the feds are investigating would be doing said crimes if they knew the cops were around. Also I'm pretty sure wire taps would then technically fit to wouldn't they? I don't think Blagojevich would have made those calls if he knew the FBI was watching him.

GR3453m0nk3y 4

yea thats true if they have a reason like that then yeah, go undercover, but if your just hanging around "undercover" thats pretty kenivening

theblazian 0

Eh... even in businesses its a common practice. When I worked at a Old Navy (i was desperate for money ok!) they would occasionally have a manager or one of us take off our name tags and patrol the store looking for shop lifters. I guess it comes from the standpoint that deterring people from crimes is nice, but catching them in the act and stopping them from *hopefully* committing further crimes is even better.

Plain-clothes officers help to spread the deterrent fostered by their uniformed brethren. If you know that there might be undercover police in the area, then you are less likely to commit crimes. If there were no undercover police, you could just look around to make sure there were no uniforms in the area (or wait until they're gone, or kill them, etc.) and then go on about your criminal business.

If you're dumb enough not to make sure there are no cops around when you decide to break the law, you deserve to get caught. It doesn't matter if they are wearing a uniform or not. Also, they are required by law to admit they are cops if you ask. Entrapment is a low not to protect the guilty that commit crimes, but to protect innocent people who normally wouldn't commit a crime regardless and were tricked into doing something illegal.

actually no when they are undercover they arent't required to give any evidence that they are cops

Live_And_Let_Liv 0

be grateful she didn't hit u in the nuts

Oh dear, looks like someone above does not quite understand what "plain clothed" means.

That would be contradictory. You're either a police officer or a civilian, not a civilian police officer.

@ 5 You're nick applies better to you than any other nick I've ever seen because you, sir, fail ridiculously hard at life.

Intellectualist 0

You just failed at telling someone that they fail. Look up proper uses for 'you're' and 'your'. Oh, and reply fail too. All aboard the faill boat sir.

theblazian 0

Is the fail boat similar to the love train?

GR3453m0nk3y 4

yes but the fail boat has moonlight daze, the OP, and "All About Steve" steering it

Intellectualist 0

it's similar, but fails more. In fact, it'll probably sink.