By worst - 12/10/2009 08:23 - Philippines

Today, my mom said I was the worst of her 5 children. My IQ is 130, an honor student, I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, or do drugs. I'm the "worst" because I don't go to church every Sunday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 112
You deserved it 10 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate how religion influences people like that... GJ man, keep it up with ur life :)

Well then, its obvious what you need to do. Smoke, drink, do drugs and go to church on Sundays.


I hate how religion influences people like that... GJ man, keep it up with ur life :)

Just knock her out and start ur own underground organization that makes pizza.....everyone loves pizza!!!

In a survey people whose religion is a very low factor in their life tend to have high IQ.

an IQ of 130 isn't that great. Maybe your siblings are smarter. Also, I'd bet you annoy her like crazy to make her say that.

Lol that sucks!!! Sundays are for sleeping

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Oh, because of course he can determine who his mother is.

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timtam, it would be impressive if your IQ were a googol, Google is just a search tool.

Intellectualist 0

No, my IQ is a google. I know all that is on there, impressive, no?

Well then, its obvious what you need to do. Smoke, drink, do drugs and go to church on Sundays.

Bannister19 0

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Bannister19 0

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haha you thumbed up your comment didn't you. no, not really

Intellectualist 0

Religion is an opiate to the masses. So no, being smart, and generally a good kid, is MUCH more important than having blind faith in something that probably doesn't exist. Sorry to burst your bubble. I have no problem with religion, it's just when people force it down your throat, like those damned Jehovas witnesses.

Maybe it's because you think you're better than everyone.

burnquist764 0

It sucks but such is the ways of highly religious folk.