By grann - 15/03/2010 01:39 - United States

Today, while walking to my car through the snow, I noticed the sunroof was open and 2 feet of snow had poured in. Angry, I opened the door to start cleaning. That's when I noticed all the wildlife that had taken refuge inside from the cold. Not only were my seat cushions wet, they were torn open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 887
You deserved it 26 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

C_Wicked27 0

Um, YDI for leaving your sunroof open here in Colorado during the month of March. March and April are the two snowiest months here...

katrinasomething 0

How could you get mad at the animals for that? Have a heart. They just took advantage of your screwup... ultimately YDI. xP


glorbnakcs 0

You deserve it for living in a place where it snows.

spiderman0606 0

LOL #1. But seriously, it's your ******* responsibility to check all these before leaving a parked car. If a window, sunroof is open, if the lights are left on... blah blah. No sympathy for people who dont take the extra effort into taking care of their car.

Pball11 0

Nice, never underestimate nature:)

alleyx3 0

haha. ydi for leavin yer sunroof open :P

FYLDeep 25

YDI for not learning from previous sunroof FMLs.

marleytooyou 0
Watley09 0

@43 Today, I am still a complete sociologically inept douchebag who chooses to rip people for a momentary lapse of judgement. FML but on another subject i dont think a temperature swing large enough would have came fast enough for you to have just used your sun roof previously... or are you just an eskimo

Peacemaker9 7

YDI for not checking to see if all ur windows were closed during a SNOWSTORM!!!

BluPenguin 3

YDI for leaving your sunroof open.

C_Wicked27 0

Um, YDI for leaving your sunroof open here in Colorado during the month of March. March and April are the two snowiest months here...

katrinasomething 0

How could you get mad at the animals for that? Have a heart. They just took advantage of your screwup... ultimately YDI. xP

umm, OP never said they were mad at the animals.

katrinasomething 0

Oops, read that wrong. Sorry about that! I don't take back my YDI though for the sheer fact that it was the OP who did not close his/her sunroof.

If it is cold enough for there to be a chance of snow at all, why in the world was your sunroof open? I have to go with YDI

frankyvalentino0 0

oh my gosh. as if the snow wasn't enough. you should really work on your karma!

frankyvalentino0 0

and be sober when you come home on a wintry night.

can't believe no one replied to you. well, I'm FIRST to reply to snickerdoodles, yay me

amayasoma 19

YDI. Your own stupidity for leaving the Sunroof open.