Panic buying? What panic buying?

By Paul Rushing - 19/03/2020 15:00

Today, at the supermarket where I work, we had at least 40 people waiting outside for us to open our doors at 7:00 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 670
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cooper201288 16

I always hated living in a small town until now. We have a dollar general and a tiny little supermarket and for the most part people are being considerate and not hoarding.

Are you insinuating that you are a panic buyer?


Cooper201288 16

I always hated living in a small town until now. We have a dollar general and a tiny little supermarket and for the most part people are being considerate and not hoarding.

Let me refresh your memory about the first rule of retail: The vector is always right. Wait! I meant customer! Hopefully none of them are infected.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

They probably all have Coronavirus now

Because there were 40 rude, panicky, and most likely virus infected people all coming in at the same time...

Culling of the populous. Just a bunch of Darwin awards

I relate way too much to the panic buying crowds...

Are you insinuating that you are a panic buyer?