By Anonymous - 30/07/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, while walking home from work, a young teenage girl ran up behind me and dumped a carton of milk on my head. She said, "The cow master baptizes you!" and then ran in the opposite direction, cackling madly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 425
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Im still trying to find were you can get a bag of milk?

kitsune3 20

Wow NikoBellic, you are one hell of a sucky reader. It says CARTON of milk, dumbass. Not bag. Go back to grade school. FYL, OP. She probably did it as a dare or something. No big deal.

somebody escaped from the mental institution...

JrRacer4007 0

I'm sorry but roflmao at the cackling madly part

Lovely girl! Whats her phone number?!

It could have been worse, it could have been some other white liquid.

xocutexofunnyxo 5 ppl really buy milk in cartons...

cackles just makes everything so much funnier