By Anonymous - 30/07/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, while walking home from work, a young teenage girl ran up behind me and dumped a carton of milk on my head. She said, "The cow master baptizes you!" and then ran in the opposite direction, cackling madly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 424
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kensiroo 0

omg that's something me and my friends would do!!!

Kuina_fml 5

Sounds like she has some unresolved issues.

Should have chased after her and knocked her down and pissed on her face!

theonlysweetpea 10

#183 There are numbers you can call

picklemonger 13

that was so wrong... but funny :)

Mipz 2

that is probably one of the most awesome pranks I've ever heard...

justbigbs 6

should of pull that bitches hair and give her some bitch slaps and say "I'm the slap master, you just been baptized" . can't wait til she does it to the wrong person, LOL then its fherl

MrWhiteGluz 1

I would have decked her and poured honey on her hair