By [...] - 12/12/2013 14:28 - France - Vaulx-en-velin

Today, while waiting in the queue at a supermarket checkout, my three-year-old daughter yells out, "Mom! Mom! Is that a man or a lady in front?" Embarrassed, I reply, "Honey, can't you see that it's a... it's a... a..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 73

Top comments

The lack of a gender icon just makes this FML better.


YourVoiceofReasn 6

You should have adopted your best Admiral Akbar voice and said, "It's a trap!" Then you still called their gender impossible to determine, but at least you called them pretty as ****.

in this situation I probably wouldn't have started to make the comment on what gender they were. I would have just politely told my child that it is rude to ask if someone is a man or woman and that it can hurt people's feelings. children can usually understand that something is rude when you explain that it can hurt someone. then I would ask my child to think about how they would feel if someone called them by the opposite gender.

Hermaphrodite. That's what I refer to it as when I can't tell.