By Anonymous - 05/08/2019 16:00 - United States - Cranford

Today, despite seeing her every weekend, her not telling me her work schedule, and her having ignored me every time she gets a boyfriend, my sister is upset that I "don't make more of an effort to see her." Sorry, I'm trying to not rely on people who hurt me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 638
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good. You don't need that one sidedness in your life. Does She make an effort to see you? I'm guessing no. Let her live her life and maybe one day she will see what she lost. Not everyone makes an effort anymore.

TrashlifeKaylala 12

2/3 of my sisters are the same way. Everything is on me while they make no effort. I barely talk to either one now. Sorry OP


Why exactly do you need to know her work schedule? Apparently your still manage to see her. And yes, when you are fresh in love, that tends to be what you focus on. She's your sister, not your child or pet.

Good. You don't need that one sidedness in your life. Does She make an effort to see you? I'm guessing no. Let her live her life and maybe one day she will see what she lost. Not everyone makes an effort anymore.

TrashlifeKaylala 12

2/3 of my sisters are the same way. Everything is on me while they make no effort. I barely talk to either one now. Sorry OP

I’ve bailed mine out of more bad decisions than I can count. I sent her money. I pulled her out of homes and took her in when relationships went bad, you make it. She is two blocks from my house every weekend. Never stops by.

skyeyez9 24

My brother is the same way but worse. He Doesn't even bother to return a phone call or text back...unless he wants something.