By [...] - 12/12/2013 14:28 - France - Vaulx-en-velin

Today, while waiting in the queue at a supermarket checkout, my three-year-old daughter yells out, "Mom! Mom! Is that a man or a lady in front?" Embarrassed, I reply, "Honey, can't you see that it's a... it's a... a..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 73

Top comments

The lack of a gender icon just makes this FML better.


The correct response would be a gentle discussion about whether other people's genders and gender expressions are actually important to know, and a reminder about manners and some things being private.

Was it really too difficult to say "Sweetheart that's not polite." And drop the subject? (I had more to say but the %]%{#[ ads hijacking to try to make me buy candy crush 12 times as I wrote that much made me forget what it was)

josiemorehouse 12

This is the response I'd go with. I understand your daughter is 3 OP, but she should be taught now that it's not always appropriate to openly talk about another person. A simple, quiet response to the child advising that it's not polite to ask such questions so loudly will help her find her own personal filter and apply it when necessary. Still a funny FML though. LOL.

Should have turned it into a lesson by telling her it doesn't matter, and no matter what she should always be polite and sensitive to others feelings. She's too young to understand, but it's a good starting place, plus you wouldn't have ended up with your foot in your mouth. Haha.

Could have just said, "Don't be rude honey."

Should have just said, "They're a person just like us, and that's what's important, sweetie!" Then maybe had a talk with her later about how not everyone falls under the 'man' or 'woman' category. You can never start too early with these things; the earlier the better, in my opinion!