Fly me to the moon

By Anonymous - 11/08/2020 23:01

Today, I booked a long distance flight across two continents, costing me over 600 bucks. I then got a confirmation email. For a different flight. I wrote to their customer service address, saying there has been an error, and to please either change or cancel the booking. I never got any reply. At all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 435
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to make some phone calls and get ahold of someone in management cuz whoo buddy that sucks.

Sorry for your troubles. I don't know many customer services that answers emails quickly, especially airline customers service. Hope you got to your destination safely!


Time to make some phone calls and get ahold of someone in management cuz whoo buddy that sucks.

Sorry for your troubles. I don't know many customer services that answers emails quickly, especially airline customers service. Hope you got to your destination safely!

You could try contacting your bank and trying to cancel the payment that way, then try again.

So what, you just gave up? Did you consider calling? ydi

Yummi_913 18

Call your bank asap and get your money back. Chances are the airline isn't going to get back to you.

Call the bank, explain what happened, they'll cancel the charge.

All major airlines let you cancel your flight for the first 24 hours with no penalty. Read the policies