By Malíya - 04/05/2015 21:02 - United States - Perth Amboy

Today, while riding the subway a homeless man got on asking for money. I went to give him a dollar but he refused because I was "of the Asian persuasion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 355
You deserved it 2 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoddessGlitter 13

rude. beggers ain't choosers. didn't deserve your dollar anyway

SarahSehhati 40

A dollar for you to keep. Don't spend it all in one place ;)


Can't have been that desperate for money if he didn't want your dollar. I say non-genuine homeless. Many like that in Australia including well groomed chain smokers. There are real homeless, who are grateful to receive food. That's the test - don't give them money, give them food.

I'd throw a fortune cookie at his face with a fortune that says "You will not get sympathy with that attitude"

People in the world never cease to astound me. Reminds me of a case in the old Apartheid South Africa where a drowning woman refused help from a black man.

Are you supprised he's homeless? Probably is unhirable because he was rude to coworkers and management