By Malíya - 04/05/2015 21:02 - United States - Perth Amboy

Today, while riding the subway a homeless man got on asking for money. I went to give him a dollar but he refused because I was "of the Asian persuasion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 355
You deserved it 2 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoddessGlitter 13

rude. beggers ain't choosers. didn't deserve your dollar anyway

SarahSehhati 40

A dollar for you to keep. Don't spend it all in one place ;)


Well, he couldn't have needed it that badly if his racism prevented him from taking it. ****, I never knew racism was stronger that self preservation.

what who the hell is racist against Asians they keep prices low forcing shops to have to ask only twice as much for things every month and they are the smartest and most respectable race on the planet (Imo. I'm white. south African we love Asians here)

just got to thinking are there any homeless Asians... I've never seen one just saying.

Didn't mean to do You Deserved It. I'm sorry

skyeyez9 24

"Asian Persuasion" was my friends Xbox live screen name at one time. I think it's the "asian stimulation" now.

gintwinsmoore 20

I don't understand why some have said that OP deserves this! fyl OP...fyl! And "Asian persuasion" is sweet!

qjmac82 4
VoodooPriestess 16

The old adage 'Beggars can't be choosers' seems to have lost it's relevancy lately. . .

Beggars can't be choosers, at least you tried!

RedPillSucks 31

Asian Persuasion. Is that a band name? Rock on, OP